RK SPIRIT, s.r.o.
RK SPIRIT, Ltd. is a real estate agency specializing in regions Liptov and Tatras. Its activities are focused on comprehensive services related to selling, renting and buying real estate, as well as follow-up services directly related to the possession of property. The basic purpose of our company is a professional mediation sale and rental to help people to live, to live and do business in real estate according to their wishes. Specializing in regions Tatras and Liptov is to guarantee our clients the knowledge of this site, summary of fair prices and sales opportunities according to customer interest. Specialization also means a large number of candidates registered for a specific property, increasing the likelihood and speed the sale of your property. The professionalism of services evidenced by membership in the National Association of Realtors (SK), which is currently the highest professional association of Realtors. Another important guarantee for the customer as insurance against damage to a third party in the performance of the real estate business under the trade license of 300.000, - €, which we closed in Allianz - Slovak insurance company.